Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Angels Help Those With SAD Syndrome

Posted on September 20, 2010 at 9:35 AM

Have You Ever Heard Of Or Felt The Winter Blues?

A large number of people are reporting feeling different in the Winter months and there sleep patterns change and they tend to suffer low energy levels. The Name of this is called SAD Syndrome or Seasonal Affective Disorder.

SAD is caused by a lack of Sun light.

Researchers have proved that bright light makes a difference to the brain chemistry but why some people suffer and others don't is not clear.

Nerve centres in our brain controlling our daily rhythms and moods are stimulated by the amount of light entering the eyes. As night falls, the pineal gland starts to produce a substance called melatonin that tells our body clock it's night time; bright light at daybreak is the signal for the gland to stop producing this melatonin. But on dull winter days, especially indoors, not enough light is received to trigger this waking up process.Light is also linked to serotonin (also known as or 5HT), a neurotransmitter in the brain. This makes sense because low serotonin levels can cause depression and if you're depressed it can be difficult to concentrate and complete what would normally be simple tasks. Evidence has shown that serotonin levels increase with exposure to bright light - SSRI drugs such as Prozac have the same effect.

Symptoms include:

  • Sleep problems - oversleeping but not refreshed, cannot get out of bed, needing a nap in the afternoon
  • Overeating - carbohydrate craving leading to weight gain
  • Depression, despair, misery, guilt, anxiety - normal tasks become frustratingly difficult
  • Family / social problems - avoiding company, irritability, loss of libido, loss of feeling
  • Lethargy - too tired to cope, everything an effort
  • Physical symptoms - often joint pain or stomach problems, lowered resistance to infection
  • Behavioral problems - especially in young people
  • Getting adequate Light during The Day is the key component in dealing effectively with SAD.

Eating Foods Such As Bananas Daily Can Help.

Who Governs This Condition?

Sandalphon helps activate the Crown Chakra and Pineal Gland. The Pineal Gland is the psychic seat of your soul. It is located in the pituitary gland almost center point within your brain. It produces the hormone known now as melatonin, Melatonin needs light or sun in order to be fully activated. It is often linked in with sad syndrome also. It is said to be linked to the Third Eye and its from this gland we can fully see our truths and Universal Visions. Once activated correctly you can begin to work more with astral travelling or remote viewing and clairvoyancy.

When active you may notice pressure on the head area or static sensation.

Sandalphon assists those wishing to activate the pineal gland and helps you move through this process with ease.

How Can The Angels Help?

Angels always wish to see us happy and they as light begins offer to surround you daily in their heavenly glows to assist you in combating Low Feelings. Daily call on them and an ideal time would be while lying in bed and preparing to motivate yourself for the day ahead.

Use this to assist you " Angels please fill me with your loving bright light, allow it to penetrate through all parts of my spiritual and physical body, so that I may be renewed and filled with divine energy." See a dense cloud of white and gold light filling you up for a moment and say " Angels of Light I allow your loving energy to release all blockages in my body gently now and ask that they be transmuted in love. Angels thank you for giving me the energy to fulfill my daily tasks and I easily remain aligned to this energy throughout the day."

To add further strength to this use Lapis Lazuli, have it with you always and be sure to cleanse it regularly.

Lapis Lazuli is the stone of the great goddess Ishtar who governs the weather and negativity. As SAD Syndrome tends to make one feel more negative its ideal to help transform your thoughts to positive. When feeling low, hold the crystal close to your third eye area (middle of your forehead) and just allow it to disperse any negative thinking along with re aligning your left and right brain activity. See the infinity circle been drawn in your mind (the figure eight sideways) and this will naturally bring you back into balance.

Combining both of these exercises will assist you in bringing some fun and joy back into the winter periods.

Also Daily Filling Your Aura With The Colour Yellow Can Instantly Lift Your Mood and Energy Levels.

Read More About Ishtar and Sign Up Free To Receive Monthly Angel Guidance Free.

If your symptoms are over whelming you, please do seek advice from your Doctor.


Posted on September 13, 2010 at 10:47 PM

Barefoot and dirty, the girl just sat and watched the people go by. She never tried to speak, she never said a word. Many people passed, but never did one person stop.

Just so happens the next day I decided to go back to the park, curious if the little girl would still be there.

Right in the very spot as she was yesterday she sat perched on high, with the saddest look in her eyes. Today I was to make my own move and walk over to the little girl. As we all know a park full of strange people is not a place for young children to play.

As I began walking towards her I could see the back of the little girl’s dress indicated a deformity. I figured that was the reason the people just passed by and made no effort to help. As I got closer, the little girl slightly lowered her eyes to avoid my intent stare. I could see the shape of her back more clearly. It was grotesquely shaped in a humped over form. I smiled to let her know it was ok, I was there to help, to talk.

I sat down beside her and opened with a simple Hello. The little girl acted shocked and stammered a hi after a long stare into my eyes. I smiled and she shyly smiled back. We talked ’til darkness fell and the park was completely empty. Everyone was gone and we were alone. I asked the girl why she was so sad. The little girl looked at me and with a sad face said “Because I’m different.”

I immediately said “that you are!” and smiled. The little girl acted even sadder, she said, “I know.” “Little girl,” I said, “you remind me of an angel, she stood to her feet, and said, “Really?”

“Yes, ma’am, you’re like a little guardian angel sent to watch over all those people walking by.” She nodded her head yes and smiled, and with that she spread her wings and said with a twinkle in her eye, “I am.” I was speechless, sure I was seeing things. She said, “And since you thought of someone other than yourself, my job here is done.”

Immediately I stood to my feet and said, “Wait, so why did no one stop to help an angel?” She looked at me and smiled, “You’re the only one who could see me, and you believe it in your heart.” And She was gone. And with that my life was changed dramatically.

So, when you think you’re all you have, remember, there is an angel always watching over you.

Pass this to everyone that means anything at all to you…. to let them know you’re glad they care about you… like the story says we all need someone.

Everyone of your friends is an angel in their own.

- Author Unknown

To Let Go

Posted on September 13, 2010 at 10:43 PM

  • To let go does not mean to stop caring, it means I can’t do it for someone else.
  • To let go is not to cut myself off, it’s the realization that I can’t control another.
  • To let go is not to enable, but to allow learning from natural consequences.
  • To let go is to admit powerlessness, which means the outcome is not in my hands.
  • To let go is not to try to change or blame another, it’s to make the most of myself.
  • To let go is not to care for, but to care about.
  • To let go is not to fix, but to be supportive.
  • To let go is not to judge, but to allow another to be a human being.
  • To let go is not to be in the middle arranging all the outcomes, but to allow others to affect their own destinies.
  • To let go is not to be protective, it’s to permit another to face reality.
  • To let go is not to criticize, or regulate anyone, but to try to become what I dream I can do.
  • To let go is to fear less, and to love more.

Written by Stephen on September 13th, 2008

The Cookie Thief

Posted on September 13, 2010 at 10:18 PM

A woman was waiting at the airport one night,

With several long hours before her flight.

She hunted for a book in the airport shop,

Bought a bag of cookies and found a place to drop.

She was engrossed in her book, but happened to see,

That the man beside her, as bold as could be,

Grabbed a cookie or two from the bag between,

Which she tried to ignore, to avoid a scene.

She read, munched cookies, and watched the clock,

As the gutsy “cookie thief” diminished her stock.

She was getting more irritated as the minutes ticked by,

Thinking, “If I wasn’t so nice, I’d blackened his eye!”

With each cookie she took, he took one too.

When only one was left, she wondered what he’d do.

With a smile on his face and a nervous laugh,

He took the last cookie and broke it in half.

He offered her half, as he ate the other.

She snatched it from him and thought, “Oh brother,

This guy has some nerve, and he’s also rude,

Why, he didn’t even show any gratitude!”

She had never known when she had been so galled,

And sighed with relief when her flight was called.

She gathered her belongings and headed for the gate,

Refusing to look back at the “thieving ingrate.”

She boarded the plane and sank in her seat,

Then sought her book, which was almost complete.

As she reached in her baggage, she gasped with surprise.

There was her bag of cookies in front of her eyes!

“If mine are here,” she moaned with despair,

“Then the others were his and he tried to share!”

Too late to apologize, she realized with grief,

That she was the rude one…the ingrate…the thief!

By Valerie Cox in “A Matter of Perspective”

The important things in life

Posted on September 13, 2010 at 10:09 PM

A philosophy professor stood before his class with some items on the table in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with rocks, about 2 inches in diameter.

He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.

So the professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles, of course, rolled into the open areas between the rocks.

He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.

The professor picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else.

He then asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous “Yes.”

“Now,” said the professor, “I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The rocks are the important things – your family, your partner, your health, your children – things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.

The pebbles are the other things that matter – like your job, your house, your car.

The sand is everything else. The small stuff.”

“If you put the sand into the jar first,” he continued “there is no room for the pebbles or the rocks. The same goes for your life.

If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take your partner out dancing. There will always be time to go to work, clean the house, give a dinner party and fix the disposal.

Take care of the rocks first – the things that really matter.

Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.”

A Glass of Milk ? Paid In Full

I liked this lovely story and wanted to share it with you.

One day, a poor boy who was selling goods from door to door to pay his way through school, found he had only one thin dime left, and he was hungry. He decided he would ask for a meal at the next house. However, he lost his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door. Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water. She thought he looked hungry so brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it slowly, and then asked, “How much do I owe you?” “You don’t owe me anything,” she replied. “Mother has taught us never to accept pay for a kindness.” He said, “Then I thank you from my heart.”

As Howard Kelly left that house, he not only felt stronger physically, but his faith in God and man was strong also. He had been ready to give up and quit.

Year’s later that young woman became critically ill. The local doctors were baffled. They finally sent her to the big city, where they called in specialists to study her rare disease. Dr. Howard Kelly was called in for the consultation. When he heard the name of the town she came from, a strange light filled his eyes. Immediately he rose and went down the hall of the hospital to her room. Dressed in his doctor’s gown he went in to see her. He recognized her at once. He went back to the consultation room determined to do his best to save her life. From that day he gave special attention to the case.

After a long struggle, the battle was won. Dr. Kelly requested the business office to pass the final bill to him for approval. He looked at it, then wrote something on the edge and the bill was sent to her room. She feared to open it, for she was sure it would take the rest of her life to pay for it all. Finally she looked, and something caught her attention on the side of the bill. She began to read the following words:

“Paid in full with one glass of milk”

Signed, Dr. Howard Kelly.

Posted on September 13, 2010 at 10:06 PM

Donegal See's A Black Day

Posted on July 20, 2010 at 9:30 PM

Hi All

Its been awhile since I blogged on here and I felt a strong urge to get writing today.

Things are going nicely here in the hills of Donegal. Weather is not hot but its pretty ok. Life has been on the up the past number of months for me and its amazing to know I have such support in my Angels. Things they showed me months ago are beginning to happen and there are lots of de ja vu moments happening around me.

I wasnt to sure what they wished me to write about today but I feel drawn to mention my arm and its slow recovery after my break and dislocation in April. Nearly four months on and I still cant make a fist nor will it turn as it should. But I have to say its been an amazing journey with it. I can recall perhaps about 2 very brief moments where I felt sorry for myself. 2 moments in 4 whole months is kinda amazing to be honest. I like to think anyway and the whole thing has really helped me practice living in the moment and allowing the universe to deliver to me what is right for my arm and life. Its been a big learning. But a peaceful one. No strops, no whinging, no complaining, just living each day in God's Grace, trusting in divine will. I can do basic things, it aches like hell..but I love it. How mad does that sound. I used to read a magazine called fate and fortune and their is a lady in it that is a mom and psychic and has no arms. I always felt so inspired by her ability to go beyond what us humans that are blessed to have all limbs and health and achieve what to many seems positively impossible. I often have felt blessed that I can wake up every day and see with my eyes and hear with my ears and have wondered what it would be like to not be able to see colour or hear music....my arm has humbled me to a strong point of acceptance and gratitude and I finally feel great acceptance for all the other imperfections I used to find about my body. So lots of personal healing has been taken place for me over the past number of months.

Along with that most of you know I have moved house. 4 Doors away infact but boy was it a long drawn out process. The stuff we hoard as humans is like what...makes me wonder will i ever have the opportunity to just up sticks and travel with just the clothes on back in years to come. Its been a desire of mine to escape to Africa for many years, I remember right back to my childhood days and knowing that Africa was where I would proberly die eventually. I can see myself clearly in years to come, kids all grown up and me a woman in my 60's on my honkers feeding some homeless child on dusty streets. I only pray my arm is working by then to be able to carry their burdens for them awhile. But God knows best and where there is a will there is a way.

All my babies are of school right now and its fab to get to spend time with them. Money is not in abundance but its not lacking either and Gabriel has been working over time to help us get our car fixed so we can set of up the north for a long weekend in August. Wings crossed.

A major event happened here recently in Inishowen where I live that left a small community rocked tot he core. But let me take you back to a few weeks ago first.

My partner an I are travelling to Derry (30 mins away) an he points out a black passat car that he says our Jonah (3 years old) loves. I said its cool and all of a sudden another one exactly the same pulls out in front of us. That made two. As we pulled in for petrol another exactly the same car and colour pulls in front of us...thats three. this all happened in the space of less then 5 minutes and I said to my partner...ooh thats three times we have seen it now wonder whats that about. I firmly believe when you see something like that in 3's then there is a message within it. Sadly I didnt figure it out that day.

lt happened the weekend prior to the 12th of July.

The Friday my partner took the kids quad biking in Buncrana. We rarely go in this direction as its very out of our way.

Saturday we was out in the car and I kept telling my partner to slow down...he was not driving fast at all but i kept at him and could see the car going of the line n onto the otherside the road..but it was just in my head. (I sound like a nut job now) I was terrified of crashing

I first heard the whispering start late Saturday afternoon...Paul...Paul..Paul..the name kept whirring round in my mind. Again later it popped in and I say a flash of a young man in my mind.

Sunday afternoon it cranked up again...Paul, Paul Paul it went and I listened and the voice whispered his head, he will bang his head..tell my mam I am sorry.

Clear as you please and then it stopped...I persumed it was someone who ahd passed and I could still see that young man in my minds eye with darkish hair.

Monday my partner comes in from town and he tells me did you hear about the accident...I had been home all morning so no I hadnt heard.

7 men dead in a car accident over in Buncrana beside the north pole pub..not far from the place where the lads had been quad biking two days before.

He said they had all been in one car and hit and older man. Thats all I heard that day. But I sent out light.

Monday I recieved a letter from an office in Buncrana and I was asked to attend a meeting on the Friday morning coming...again been drawn to the Buncrana area. coincedent I dont believe so.

Wednesday after the crash, I attended Letterkenny hospital for my hand. While waiting in the fracture clinic, a lady in a wheelchair got talking with me and he had a girl with her. They mentioned of course the crash, my second convo about it. I knew there was something coming. I could feel a breeze around me as we spoke. She goes onto say her brother was good friends with one of the lads...Paul was his name. That was the first time I heard one of the boys names until this point. Was this the Paul I had heard been whispered to me. I presumed then at that point that I had connected with the soul of the boy on the saturday before the accident happened and he was letting me know I may be required to assist in someway in time. I plucked up the nerve, which I never do and passed my mobile number to her incase her brother ever needed to talk. Normally I shy away from disclosing who I am especially where I live as I like my privacy and truthfully am unsure how excepted I would be in this rural area.

I come home anyhow and my partner picks up the paper and there they are..all 7 of them spread out on the front page, names and pictures and there is Paul staring out at me. But he was not the lad i saw in my mind so it confused me some.

Friday morning came round and I was diggin my heels in..i did not want to go for the appointment. I was shaking and scared and felt petrified as we headed in the direction of Buncrana again.

As we got closer to the North Pole I calmed down.

But no sign of the crash. So on the way back I asked to be taken in the direction of clonmany...as we went past the north pole pub and on up a wee stretch a gush of energy went through me and i felt i had picked up the energy of the man who had been coming from bingo in buncrana (read about in paper) and was kit by the lads in the black passat....more coming soon...xxx

Staying True To You

Posted on May 31, 2010 at 6:30 PM

With so much info out there on what way we should do things its easy to loose ourselves in someone elses idea of what we should be...and lol is this another one I hear you ask?

Perhaps but its all about showing you how to stay in the comfort of you and working with whats right for you, all in the company of Angels.

Here's How

  • Listen To The Voice Within

You where born programmed with all you need to get through this life. Your inner data base can switch you into any piece of stored info about you and your world around you that you require. All the answers are within you. Instead of seeking answers from others, try tuning into the Voice Within. You may be pleasantly surprised at how much you really actually know.

  • When In Doubt Take Time Out
If your unsure of what choice to make, or if something feels just not quite right, rather then rush in, take time out until your fully sure you know exactly what path will bring you the most peace, security, abundance and will allow you to enrich your life from a focused centered space. Let go of the path that draws chaos to you.

  • Watch For The Signs
Signs are everywhere, we just don't always see them. In your daily life you will encounter hundreds of signs that are pointing you in a productive direction, ask your Angels to help you see and read them more clearly, so your choices are no longer a struggle and you can live your life right from the heart. Signs will be unique to you, but do not expect the expected and if it comes in threes then you would be wise to pay heed.

  • Choose From The Heart
When your head rules and tells you, you must do this, you must do that and its ll becomes very confusing. Step back and let your heart step forward. Give it free rain to feel whats right for it. From here your confidence will soar and all your choices are based on loving you and those around you. Your highest good will dance in time to the rhythm of your heart.

  • Ask, What Would Your Angels Do?
Now, confused? Unsure? Doubtful? Refusing to listen perhaps even to your Inner Voice? Well, when push comes to shove and you really are at a loss, simply ask yourself, What would my Angels do? Listen to The Voice Within and follow through for they speak to your soul gently only for so long. Then the loud speaker goes on.

  • Ask For The Support You Need
Feeling lost? Trapped? Sad? What ever the issue know you have unconditional friends in your Angels, who walk with you all through your life. They never abandon you, you may abandon them but they are always with you rock solid should you need them. So today, focus on an issue that is part of your past or present situation and ask simply for support. They will assist you. Be specific and clear in your words and let the support come at its own pace. Sometimes its straight away, sometimes it can take weeks or months. But whenever it does arrive you will know.

  • Give Yourself Permission To Receive
A lot of you may feel you do not deserve to have good things happen, as you are so bogged down in all the things you perceive to be bad. Please know that a part of you has created these negative things. Hard to wrap your head around? Then look at the Law of Attraction which is based on what you think you attract, what you create comes back. By learning how to master this Law you will begin to see the differences almost immediately. Even more so by just for one moment saying 'I deserve to be happy and I deserve to receive good things' your creating a positive energy that draws good things to you. You do not have to believe in it for it to work. But when it does work you will believe in it more and these things you ask for will often arrive quicker as you have invested true heart energy into it.

  • Count Your Blessings
So your wish has been granted, did you take the time to be grateful? How often in the day do you thank the Universe for the things you have. Your partner, your kids, your car, your home, food on the table, that holiday, the new job, your health, what about your cat, dog or even the table you eat your food of?..hmmm not that often, well been thankful allows us to open up to receiving more. You become a worthy consumer in The Universal Shop of Abundance. Sounds good huh. So why not shop for things you don't have yet..like I am grateful and thankful for my new dress or suit (you know that one you want, but the money is not there for it yet). This again goes back to the Law of Attraction and drawing to you or manifesting the things you desire by seeing yourself already having them...try it.TODAY. Don't give up hope and embrace that your desire will arrive as it is so intended, in divine timing. Today Count Your Blessings and don't forget to thank your Angels.

  • Share The Love
So we are at the end but perhaps this is just the beginning, what next? Well your finally in the driver seat, you learnt a valuable life lesson for today, you can choose to keep the learnings and love for your self or simply share it around. Not everyone will be ready to receive it but remember you where once like them to. So spread it out there but be in allowance of others finding their own truth and experiences with the love. Keep counsel on your own patch and remember when in doubt, take time out.

Developing Your Clairaudience

Posted on May 6, 2010 at 10:24 PM

This week has seen an influx of Souls seeking to develop their Clairaudience Gifts.

I hope this assists in helping you develop with confidence and clarity.

When you first put out the request to your Angels to develop your ability to hear them, you may initially be greeted with a static noise in your ear, for some it can feel like a high pitched noise, for others you may find you tend to have sore, painful ears. Some of you may even have experienced this without putting out a request and it just is this way. Firstly its advisable to rule out any medical conditions but you can also try these following techniques coming up.

We all have inner chatter going on and hear a constant run of thoughts, some is our own stuff but 95% of it is in fact belonging to the Universal Radio Grid(belongs to others)

We all have the ability to access more enlightened thoughts and its through developing your Clairaudience that you will begin to experience more enlightened thoughts from higher beings and your higher self.

Your Throat Chakra works closely with your Clairaudience.So while you develop it would be helpful to have a Lapis Lazuli Crystal on your presence. Archangel Michael also governs this Chakra and the development of this gift.

Tuning In To Your Clairaudience

Have you ever heard someone calling your name, only to turn around and know one is there?

Some Clairaudients are called objective Clairaudients and they hear psychically transmitted sounds and spoken words. Most Clairaudients however are more likely to develop subjective Clairaudience. The psychic noises we hear are received as impressions of sounds or words or alternatively, thoughts, concepts and ideas that just seem to appear in our minds.

Clairaudience is simply a matter of tuning into the right frequencies.

Psychical sound vibrates at various frequencies and its the same for Clairaudient sound. So in the case of communicating with Angels, its all about meeting them at there vibration frequency. This is something that comes naturally in spirit but on this plain we get to put our L plates and re learn how to do this.

Your first step is to set your frequency to a level that works comfortably for you.

So you may wish to find a quiet space to do this in and allow your body to be in a relaxed state with your arms and legs uncrossed. Breathe deeply and your relax your thoughts, place a shield of golden light around your ears for healing and protection. Imagine that the light is filled with a steady, high-pitched sound, a little like a continuous chime that creates a sense of peace, balance and clarity within you. Know that as you expand your range of hearing you automatically tune in to frequencies that are safe and beneficial for you at this time.

Now visualize a radio dial in front of you, where you easily see all its operating functions and see yourself tuning this radio to a frequency that will allow you to receive blessed messages from your Angels and enlightened beings. You may feel your ears buzz or shift as this takes place. Here in this space you will recieve clearer psychic information and you will begin to filter out alot of negative thoughts that do not resonate with this new frequency your now working on.

You may wish to re do this exercise a number of times while your in the re learning stage.

When your in this space do call on an angel to pass on loving messages to you and listen to your inner thoughts.

A Prayer to Help You Develop Your Clairaudience

Dearest Archangel Michael, please assist in developing my Clairaudience safely, allowing me to expand my hearing with comfort and ease. Please set my Clairaudience to a frequency that is audible and I trust it is now safe for me to develop this gift. I allow myself to hear and receive only the sounds of love, joy and laughter. I use my Clairaudience for the highest good of myself and those I come in contact with. I enjoy my new gift and look forward to exploring my life through new ears.

I wish you much joy and comfort with your new gift and I recommend a book called

How To Develop Your Sixth Sense by David Lawson

Angel Sparkles & Blessings

Angel Whisperer Dawn

A New Home - Guided By Angels

Posted on April 23, 2010 at 10:08 AM

About 8-10 weeks ago my partner, Sipho an I went for a morning walk on one of the local beaches. Whilst enjoying the brisk morning and searching for treasures in the sand, I came across a beautiful piece of fairly big drift wood. It looked like an old railway sleeper. I so wanted it and my heart knew it would be perfect for my Angel garden.We didnt have the car and it was to big to carry, so I asked Sipho would he fetch it later for me. Sadly later never came and it was forgotton about.

The debate of moving house quickly arose in our house not long after and I knew a change was coming. We had the option of moving closer to my mum but both of us where concerned of the effect this would have on our kids as they had taken so long to settle after our last move.

Ideally a house in the estate we lived in would be swell, but virtually impossible. The kids have good friends here and the tennis court/bsketball court, playground is not something you find in private housing estates in ireland. We had recently spotted a house up for rent in the estate but that turned out to be sold. We needed a bigger house as ours was cramped.

2 weeks ago, Sipho was of to collect one the kids from school and he came back all excited. One of our neighbors said they are leaving for america in June and are desperately looking for a good tenant. Bingo....and Sipho's face lit up as their house was the detached bigger home we wanted. He rushed back to tell me and it felt so right. Its still in the location thats best for the kids, better for my energy and has the large factor.

That evening we went to view it and we fell in love. The house also boasted sea views. What more could you want. Taking a trek out to the garden I was greeted by a beautifully manicured lawn and as I went round the gable of the house I was greeted by a beautiful piece of old railway sleeper, waiting to be homed...and I smiled secretly to myself, for it was the exact piece of wood from the beach we had seen weeks earlier, sand an all. I silently thanked the Angels and turned to the owner and said yes please can we have it.

We move in somewhere in the of June and cant wait.

The moral of this story is, you may want something, but all the pieces must be in place before its ready for you. Somethings come quickly, some require patience. We waited over a year to find the home that was right for all the family and it was finally delivered. The Angels gave us a strong sign that at the first time i saw the wood, didnt connect with....but it was the deal clincher in the end.

Everything in this Universe is connected but it also has its own agenda...forcing it blocks the flow.

P.S The house owner had also been frequented by my cat lucky and he also loves cats, which is rare in a man. Lucky already knows his new home and I doubt wont be phased by the move either..lol

Two Little Girls

Posted on April 13, 2010 at 3:39 PM

Last week I spotted something on the telly about the Sunday World Paper including an exclusive book on Irelands House of Horrors.

For once I remembered it when Sunday came round and went and purchased it. I knew it would be a heavy read but armed with Michael beside me I knew he had a purpose for me to read it...I got half way through write just all the pictures in the middle... To Story 4 on page 53... Titled

"Banished from the house to sleep with the dogs" Reading the title my heart bled and I felt my chest tighten and heavy...It began The girls huddled together in the freezing cold with nothing but the dogs for warmth...heavens above and as i read on the story emerged and I found it to be based in Mayo from where I was born and only 30 mins away from my home in Castlebar two young girls in 1993 near the same age as myself suffered terrible abuse leading to the death of one. I heard a voice tell me that she was now ok and had recovered from her ordeal and was watching over her sister and other siblings now back with her parents.

Today I wrote this poem in about 5 minutes and its dedicated to these two sisters

Two young girls

Sat on a Step

Outside there home

Each day they always met

Darkness Looms

No Warmth tonight

Sleeping with dogs

Huddled in tight

Battered and Bruised

There tormented wee souls

How they longed to be loved

To have a place they called home

There mother and father

Just couldn't care less

With buckled straps

He lashed as they wept

No one to care for them

No one that could hear

There deprived little bodies

As they begged and did plead

Only heaven awaited

As one child did lay

When the social came knockin

They packed her away

She died shortly after

Her body a mess

She banged her poor head Of walls

from the terrible stress

Oh sweet little child your finally at peace

your sister did all she could

She finally brought in the police

Their parents did time

but it was not long enough

Now there living like reilly

Pretending all is good

While poverty stricken these girls who had nothing

Bonded together

For ever brethren

In spirit she guards the sister she knew

And is finally at peace

knowing how well she has grew

She was there when she married

She watched how he did taunt

That tight lipped old man

Slim and so gaunt.

No spark in his eye

He knew of his crimes

How he never knew love

How he made his kids walk hard lines

So what of their fate

This twisted old pair

No one gives a damn

No one really cares

For two little girls

Separated in pain

Pray silently to each other

And hope to meet once again

copyright of Dawn Mitchell 13-04-10

I have a feeling a little angel was whispering her words to me in hopes her sister might hear them....

Thank you spirit for been you and for always guiding to where I can help. xxxx