Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Developing Your Clairaudience

Posted on May 6, 2010 at 10:24 PM

This week has seen an influx of Souls seeking to develop their Clairaudience Gifts.

I hope this assists in helping you develop with confidence and clarity.

When you first put out the request to your Angels to develop your ability to hear them, you may initially be greeted with a static noise in your ear, for some it can feel like a high pitched noise, for others you may find you tend to have sore, painful ears. Some of you may even have experienced this without putting out a request and it just is this way. Firstly its advisable to rule out any medical conditions but you can also try these following techniques coming up.

We all have inner chatter going on and hear a constant run of thoughts, some is our own stuff but 95% of it is in fact belonging to the Universal Radio Grid(belongs to others)

We all have the ability to access more enlightened thoughts and its through developing your Clairaudience that you will begin to experience more enlightened thoughts from higher beings and your higher self.

Your Throat Chakra works closely with your Clairaudience.So while you develop it would be helpful to have a Lapis Lazuli Crystal on your presence. Archangel Michael also governs this Chakra and the development of this gift.

Tuning In To Your Clairaudience

Have you ever heard someone calling your name, only to turn around and know one is there?

Some Clairaudients are called objective Clairaudients and they hear psychically transmitted sounds and spoken words. Most Clairaudients however are more likely to develop subjective Clairaudience. The psychic noises we hear are received as impressions of sounds or words or alternatively, thoughts, concepts and ideas that just seem to appear in our minds.

Clairaudience is simply a matter of tuning into the right frequencies.

Psychical sound vibrates at various frequencies and its the same for Clairaudient sound. So in the case of communicating with Angels, its all about meeting them at there vibration frequency. This is something that comes naturally in spirit but on this plain we get to put our L plates and re learn how to do this.

Your first step is to set your frequency to a level that works comfortably for you.

So you may wish to find a quiet space to do this in and allow your body to be in a relaxed state with your arms and legs uncrossed. Breathe deeply and your relax your thoughts, place a shield of golden light around your ears for healing and protection. Imagine that the light is filled with a steady, high-pitched sound, a little like a continuous chime that creates a sense of peace, balance and clarity within you. Know that as you expand your range of hearing you automatically tune in to frequencies that are safe and beneficial for you at this time.

Now visualize a radio dial in front of you, where you easily see all its operating functions and see yourself tuning this radio to a frequency that will allow you to receive blessed messages from your Angels and enlightened beings. You may feel your ears buzz or shift as this takes place. Here in this space you will recieve clearer psychic information and you will begin to filter out alot of negative thoughts that do not resonate with this new frequency your now working on.

You may wish to re do this exercise a number of times while your in the re learning stage.

When your in this space do call on an angel to pass on loving messages to you and listen to your inner thoughts.

A Prayer to Help You Develop Your Clairaudience

Dearest Archangel Michael, please assist in developing my Clairaudience safely, allowing me to expand my hearing with comfort and ease. Please set my Clairaudience to a frequency that is audible and I trust it is now safe for me to develop this gift. I allow myself to hear and receive only the sounds of love, joy and laughter. I use my Clairaudience for the highest good of myself and those I come in contact with. I enjoy my new gift and look forward to exploring my life through new ears.

I wish you much joy and comfort with your new gift and I recommend a book called

How To Develop Your Sixth Sense by David Lawson

Angel Sparkles & Blessings

Angel Whisperer Dawn

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