Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Our Archangel For April 2011 Is Uriel

Uriel's name means God is light. He brightens difficult situtions bringing humour and giggles to the hardest of times. He teaches us to take our selves more lightly and not get overly bogged down in everyday trials and tribulations. He is known for his prohectic messages through out bibical texts being the the angel who told Noah of the floods to come. He is known for his wisdom and gentle soft energy. Often going un-noticed to those he takes under his wing. He works also with weather elements such as thunder and lightening and is said assist in natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes etc. He also assists us in accessing our life lessons and helps us work through emotional challenges. He is the angel of peace, tranquility, hope and divine service. He is connected to the colours yellow and gold and works directly with the solar plexus chakra.

Call on him if your require any of the following.

  • Inner peace
  • Confidence
  • If your wanderer, move from job to job, home to home, relationship to relationship
  • If your easily angered
  • Suffer with anxiety or panic attacks.
  • Weather Issues
  • Problem Solving
  • Writing

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Ascended Master For March 2011 is Jesus

Jesus is easily one of the most well known Ascended Masters. Much of our awareness ofJesus Christ Jesus comes from the four Gospels and the letters of Paul, written in the New Testament. Written quite a number of years after his time here its clear the information was delivered by people who never actually met Jesus in person. He was never written about by historians of his time, so no direct account of his presence, teachings and powerful gifts can be relayed directly from those who knew him.

His very presence in a person's life brings peace, balance and divine truth. His calming energy from what I have personally experienced has seen me through many of lifes upheavels. Always bringing me back to a place of complete faith and acceptance. He has been seentimelessly by people in visions, dreams and his healing energy is the absloute best you can receive. Infact a lot of healers in Reiki and the likes work directly with Jesus as their guide

He is said to have previous incarnations as Adam, Elijah, Joshua, and Joseph of Egypt.

He works with Archangel Uriel and promotes peace and harmony.

He works on The Ruby and Gold Rays.

He works with all people, regardless of faith and religious backgrounds.

Areas He Can Help You With:

  • Clear Communication with God
  • Divine Guidance and direction
  • Faith Issues
  • Children and Parenting
  • Forgiveness, Acceptance and Tolerance
  • Healing and Healers
  • Miracles
  • The Sick
  • Manifestation
  • Nature


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Our Archangel For March 2011 is Metatron

This month we are looking at the inspiring Metatron.

Metatrons back ground is said to be that he was one of the only two Angels who have been ever human form. Many different ideas over the meaning of his name have been gathered over time one been that his name may mean "he who occupies the throne next to the divine throne" he has also been called the "Angel of Presence"

He belongs to the order of Serpahim

He is known to be even more powerful then Michael and Gabriel in some circles of angelology. He is said to hold the link between humans and the divine and assists in the area of ascension. This month he is teaching us to raise our frequency vibrations to assist us in communicating more with our divine self and our higher awareness. He helps us screen our thoughts, our personal image of ourselves and elevates our thinking to that of pure consciousness He helps and encourages to see all situations in our lives objectively. Keeping our minds free from clutter. He lights our imagination and illuminates our heavenly missions.

A strong Angel full of passion he helps bring a spark back into the lives of those he works with. A skilled writer he also brings out our creativity for writing. He also when asked gives us direct access to our Akashic records often referred to as The Book Of Life. This book stores our Souls records including our memories, purpose, life lessons and more.

He works lovingly with children and in particular those who are gifted with spiritual talents.He also works closely with those who ha ve ADHD and supports parents in finding more peaceful solutions to there children's temperament.

To work with Metatron simply just imaging the top of your head expanding and opening like a flower. Combine it our Crystal for March to enhance our connection to Metatron. Always ensure you ground yourself after words by bringing up red light from the ground below you through your feet. Fill your auric space with white light and seal it with a layer of blue light on completion.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Chakra Of the Month Of February Is The Throat Chakra

  • The Throat Chakra is Located At The Throat Area
  • Its Colour Is Blue
  • Its Associated With The Thyroid, Ears, Vocal Cords, Neck and Shoulder Area
  • Its Goals Are To Assist With Clear Communication, Creativity,, Self Expression, Speaking and Hearing The Truth, Spontaneity, Freedom
  • When Imbalanced you may have difficulty in speak your truth, sharing your feelings or honesty. Your creativity levels may also be blocked and you may also have an inability to listen to others.
  • Archangel Michael and Ascended Master St Brigid govern this Chakra.
  • Crystals to help balance it are Lapis Lazuli, Blue Calcite, Blue Lace Agate
  • Development Age Between 15 -21 Years
  • Sense Hearing
  • The Throat Chakra is also about the relationship we have with our egos. It teaches honest communication that is not controlled by what our ego feels its needs to be heard. Its learning to speak from our true spirit.
  • Chanting and toning your Throat Chakra can keep you in balance and allow clear communication.
Questions For Your Throat Chakra
If I speak what I feel and think will other people like me?
If I share my thoughts and views will others understand?
If I allow others to really know who I am, will I be accepted?
Affirmation for the Throat Chakra,
please do call on Archangel Michael whilst saying it.
I speak my truth with grace and ease
Today ask yourself also how do I resonate with the energy of my throat Chakra?
Does it feel balanced and clear?
Listen to your inner voice as its shares its truth with you
Then if its not clear, ask what does it need to be fully restored and in tune?
Listen and Act!

Crystal Of The Month Of February 2011

Lapis Lazuli promotes wellness winthin the Throat Chakra and Archangel Michael is the governing Angel for this Chakra making it an ideal crystal to work with for this month.

Its name is said to come from the latin word lapis meaning stone and the persian word lazur meaning blue. Its a distincitive crystal with its rich blue tones that is said to have been used by the ancient world of Egypt. it was used in temples, believing it to be a stone from heaven. Its a stone that is said to be given to humans by the angels, making it one of the ultimate crystals to have in your collection.

It holds strong healing properties working wonders for those with issues with their throat and helps reveal inner truth. It heightens our intuition and strengthens psychic powers, when held it acts as gate way between heaven and earth. It can also treat phyiscal disorders of the throat such as thyroid, neck, vocal cords, ears, chest and lungs. It boosts the immune system and speeds recovery.

On an emotional level its ideal to help with anger management issues, balancing mood swings and soothes the soul. It brings mental clarity and strengthens verbal communication. A stone also of protection it works well with Archangel Michael. When preparing protection invocations, do use it to amplify your intentions. It can also aid sleep and purify's the body.

Its a popular crystal in the use of jewelery and it can be found easily in stores and on line.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Ascended Master For February 2011 is Brigid

St Brigid's or Brigit's day occurs in Ireland on the 1st of February the day we opened our new store in Moville. I thought she was an apt AM to have this month for us all.

St Brigid's day in Ireland is marked by the creation of a cross made from rushes.

Seen in the pictures below.

St Brigid is known as a warrior goddess who is deeply revered in Ireland. He name means the bright one or the powerful one. Which matches her personality perfectly.

Like many others of our early saints, Brigit came of a noble family. Her father Dubthach [Duffa] was a distinguished Leinster chief descended from the kings of Ireland. For some reason which we do not know he and his wife lived for a time at Faughart near Dundalk, which was then a part of Ulster: and at Faughart Brigit was born about the year 455. The family must have soon returned however to their own district, for we know that Brigit passed her childhood with her parents in the neighbourhood of Kildare. She was baptised and carefully instructed and trained both in general education and in religion: for her father and mother were Christians. As she grew up, her quiet gentle modest ways pleased all that knew her. At the time of her birth, St. Patrick was in the midst of his glorious career; and some say that while she was still a child she met him, and that when he died she made with her own hands a winding sheet in which his body was laid in the grave; which may have happened, as she was ten or twelve years of age at the time of his death.

She progressed to become a nun which pleased her family and lived out her life is service.

St Brigid is said to be the equivalent of Archangel Michael and they compliment each other well this month, both been our focal guides for the month ahead. She like Michael inspires divine guidance and brings forth visions of a prophetic nature.

She can assist you with an of the following and calling on both her and Michael simultaneously will be sure to get the results you desire.

  • Courage to make choices
  • Life purpose
  • Protection
Contact Brigid by lighting a candle (blue if possible) whilst holding our Crystal of The Month
Whilst saying:
Dearest Brigid, I open all aspects of my life to receive your guidance, courage and protection. I ask that you assist me in finding balance ease and comfort in the choice I am making so that it reflects only my highest good at all times. Thank you for your assistance and I let go of any negative feelings of fear or self sabotaging and open gently to the guidance you give me.
So be It and So It Is

Our Archangel for Febraury 2011 is Michael

Archangel Michael as voted by our site visitors this month got pride of place for this month. He is one of my all time personal favorites and is known for helping people courageous choices. As humans we can often run the risk of sabotaging our own happiness, Michael helps us see and clear the negative patterns in our lives and restore our souls to a more balanced energy. Michaels name means " he who is like god" and he is a leader and charge amongst the Archangels. one of the fab four as I like to call them he governs the a northly direction and you can invoke his presence easily by facing this direction. He is a force to be reckoned with and elimantes toxins and negativity from the planet. Michael also recruits humans to help him in his tasks in the form of humans. These humans are known as Lightworkers and they work on preforming healing, clearings alongside him.

He is known throughout many religious texts and organistions and has lead many a soldier into battle giving them courage and strength. His appearance is strong, very masculine and is often seen carrying a sword. His colour is blue or gold. For those who can see orbs or Angels he often flickers or flashes in with blue lights.

He teaches courage, strength, truth and integrity.

He offers protection for those who are emotionally vulnerable and he is known for the may miracles he preforms.

He can help you in the following ways

  • If you live alone
  • If your car has broken down and your in an isolated area
  • When your driving
  • When your facing a strong challenge
  • If you have been sexually abused
  • If your under psychic attack
  • If you have left a relationship and the other person will not let go.
  • If you feel that life is not worth living
  • Commitment and focus on ones beliefs
  • Direction
  • Spirit Releasement
  • Self Esteem

If you feel you need any assistance right now with any of the above issues, I am available for support or mentoring. Michael is one of my own personal guides and I work closely with him to help you get the results your desire and deserve. Call on Michael for courage to be the change you want to see in your life.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Angel Guidance For January 2011

Raphael been our main Angel as voted by members, its clear that this month is all about healing and either taking time to do some healing work on yourself or developing your own healing abilities. Or maybe its a combination of both. You may feel drawn to want to help others this month weather its with physical or emotional discomfort or pain, Raphael is urging you to do what you can with what you have.

This month you may feel unsure about your choices, try not to worry to much about it and always ask Raphael to help you choose whats in your highest good. Remember if something is not for your highest good, it certainly is unlikely to be for the highest good of those around you. So let go of false feelings of responsibility for others and choose with wisdom.

The only obstacles in your life are the ones created by you. Raphael is helping you dissolve and transform anything thats preventing you from reaching your goals this month. Giving you cause to celebrate around the last week in January. When you begin to see everything as an opportunity for learning and growth, when life becomes a wonder and nor a challenge things become easier and you get to have the joy and and peace in you life that you wish for.

Water is the key element that you need this month and lots of it, drink tons of it and get swimming or walking near water this month. Avoid those that dont get the way you see or do things. Spirit and your Angels do and follow your instincts around your need for space. Your more in tune now this month with your Angels and do take time to value their presence in your life. Your spirit is searching for Freedom this month, hence why getting out either in or on water will give you that sense of not been attached to earthly things and a good clear head.

Detox this month and always ask Raphael and Sulis to purify the water you drink. Try placing a clear quartz crystal in your drinking water to re energize it. (leave for at least 20 minutes before you drink it but preferably over night) You may see a lot of dolphins this month. Either physically or through signs, such a the word dolphin or pictures or even visions. Call on their frequency to help you stay balanced and in tune with nature, the earth and your cosmic self.

If your currently tryin to conceive, tune into the vibrations of Dolphins by listening to the soothing sounds below.

The Crystal for Janaury is Green Tourmaline

Green has an infinity with The Heart Chakra and Archangel Raphael making our chosen crystal this month ideal for balancing The Heart Chakra and working with Archangel Raphael.

At this particular time of year, with lot of snow and heavy weather about many of us long for the green rolling fields and walks ways where we can once more connect with nature. This stone brings nature to you, especially when you cant for what ever reasons get out an about this month. Green is the colour of healing and balance. Green Tourmaline gives you just that and more.

It assists in purifying your aura and energy field and can strengthen both your immune system and nervous system. It increases your spiritual energy and enhances your connection to the divine source energy. It works well with those who use high levels of creativity and strengthens the masculine and feminine elements of your being. It brings forth harmony and balance into your life.Its ideal to use if you are suffering from tiredness or exhaustion. It also works closely with those who suffer migraines of headaches.

It encourages patience and openness and inspires those who use it to feel content and happy about life.

It strengthens the heart and is an ideal detox crystal.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Archangel For January 2011 is Sulis

Sulis is said to be a sun goddess of healing water. Her name means seeing or eye.She was a deity worshiped by Celtic Polythesim and Romano British, at the thermal spring in Bath, England. Now known as Somerset. The waters at Bath are said to have healing properties with many flocking to experience waters rich in sulphur.

When looking for external information on Sulis, I could gather little but here is what she showed me through a direct connection with her energy. She shows me a great building of height and columns of strength, set high on a hill. Closer to the moon and sun. Her favorite elements. She was at one point in human form many ions ago. Long before she became known as a sun goddess. She had deep love of the land and water and lived in a coastal village on the east coast of Ireland before travelling further a field. She blessed water and people drank from it. It brought them health and vitality. She is a seeker of visions and you can easily work with her to help you manifest yours. She can frequent your dreams and guide you to new ways of doing things in your life.
Sulis works closely with the following:
  • Psychic Visions - Clairvoyancy
  • Prophecy
  • Physical Healing of All Kinds
  • Purifying Water
  • Dreams Manifestation
  • Fishing or Fishermen
  • Detoxing
  • Mental Strength
  • Swimming or Swimmers
Doreen Virtue Recommends A Lovely Way To Connect With Her In Her Book Archangels and Ascended Masters.
She suggests delving into a bath of hot salt water, preferably sea salt, filled with essential oils of your choice, but I am sensing geranium would be good, or that could be the flower petals Doreen recommends. Surround your bath with candles, soft music and as you prepare to enter the bath, call on Sulis to bless the water and allow your energy to be renewed, healed and revitalized. You can also ask her to bless a specific part of your life you may be worrying about or need clarity with.

Archangel Of The Month Of January 20011 Is Raphael

Raphael one of the top four well known Angels is our featured Angel this month, as voted by site visitors. His name means "Healing power of God" Raphael is easily identifiable clairvoyantly by emerald green orbs, or hazes of light. Clairsentients will feel deep love in their hearts, a sense of belonging and tingling in their hands. Those who are Clairaudient will here is very direction as a request for prayers, or healing to be sent to specific people or situations. He works on the Green Ray and is connected to the Heart Chakra.

Raphael is a powerful healer and works with both people, animals, places and situations. Raphael is not limited by space or time and can be with many people at different times. He is the patron saint of Doctors, Nurses and those working in a medical or healing capacity. He channels his mighty power through peoples hands, thoughts and prayers. Raphael is well known for his miracle working and assisted Jesus in his healing of the blind and sick. No task is to big or small and he works closely with those who are experiencing addictions also.

He works closely with Lightworkers and encourages training in the art of hands on healing, energy healing, reflexology, faith healing, sound and colour work.

Raphael governs money also and can assist those in seeing the connections between money, happiness and their health.

You may want to invoke Raphael when

  • If you or someone you know is ill
  • If you are undergoing surgery or treatment
  • If your need direction as a healer or lightworker on your skills
  • If you need to locate a healer or lightworker or therapist
  • If you are a doctor, nurse or carer
  • If you have emotional pain or need to heal parts of your life
  • If your relationship needs assistance
  • You need to manage your money more productively or free yourself from debt
If Possible Light A Green Candle To Represent Healing and Stand Facing A Southernly Direction, To Draw On The Power of The Direction He Governs. Use Our Crystal Of The Month To Draw Focus & Healing To Your Request.
Please also add your own specfic requests To Him
Ways To Ask Raphael To Assist
Archangel Raphael please surround me with your green light of healing and I now allow it to remove all effects of emotional, psychical or spiritual discomfort from my presence now. Assist me restoring my energy to a healthy happy capacity and please assist me in repairing my relationship with myself and others now. I ask that my vibrations resonate at the same frequency as you Raphael and that I may hold this energy with comfort ease and joy. I apply healing to all areas of my life daily and know and trust that you will guide me to my highest good at all times. I listen easily to your direction and release any blocks that maybe preventing me from been healthy, happy and abundant now.
I consciously accept this done now for all levels, times and dimensions.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Heavenly Inspiration

Interview with God (unknown author)

With my newly acquired title as a journalist, I decided to strike a high note.

"Come in," God said to me, "so, you would like to interview Me?"

"If you have the time," I said.

I saw a smile and heard: "My time is called eternity and is enough to do everything; what questions do you have in mind to ask me?"

"None that are new to you." And so I posed my first question.

"What's the one thing that surprises you most about humankind?" I asked.

The answer came:

  • "That they get bored of being children, are in a rush to grow up, and then long to be children again.
  • That they lose their health to make money and then lose their money to restore their health.
  • That by thinking anxiously about the future, they forget the present, such that they live neither for the present nor the future.
  • That they live as if they will never die, and they die as if they had never lived..."

I felt my hands being held and we were silent. After a long period, I said, "May I ask you another question? And I heard myself say:

"If you were a parent, what would you ask your children to do for the new year?"

The reply started with a smile.

"To learn that...

  • They cannot make anyone love them. What they can do is to let themselves be loved.
  • It takes years to build trust, and a few seconds to destroy it.
  • What is most valuable is not what they have in their lives, but who they have in their lives.
  • It is not good to compare themselves to others. There will be others better or worse than they are.
  • A rich person is not one who has the most, but is one who needs the least.
  • They should control their attitudes, otherwise their attitudes will control them.
  • It only takes a few seconds to open profound wounds in persons we love, and that it takes many years to heal them.
  • One forgives by practising forgiveness.
  • There are persons that love them dearly, but simply do not know how to show their feelings.
  • Money can buy everything but happiness.
  • While at times they may be entitled to be upset, that does not give them the right to upset those around them.
  • Great dreams do not require great wings, but a landing gear to achieve.
  • True friends are scarce, he/she who has found one has found a true treasure.
  • It is not always enough that they be forgiven by others, but that they forgive themselves.
  • They are masters of what they keep to themselves and slaves of what they say.
  • They shall reap what they plant; if they plant gossip they will harvest intrigues, if they plant love they will harvest happiness.
  • True happiness is not to achieve their goals but to learn to be satisfied with what they already achieved.
  • Happiness is a decision. They decide to be happy with what they are and have, or die from envy and jealousy of what they lack.
  • Two people can look at the same thing and see something totally different.
  • Those who are honest with themselves without considering the consequences go far in life.
  • Even though they may think they have nothing to give, when a friend cries with them, they find the strength to appease the pain.
  • By trying to hold on to love ones, they very quickly push them away; and by letting go of those they love, they will be side by side forever.
  • Even though the word "love" has many different meanings, it loses value when it is overstated.
  • They can never do something extraordinary for Me to love them; I simply do.
  • The shortest distance they could be from Me is the distance of a prayer."

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Crystal for December 2010

Amber is a transparent crystal that is generated from tree fossil that is over a million years old. It is a goldyAmber is a transparent crystal that is generated from tree fossil that is over a million years old. It is a goldy brown color.

When preserved insects can be seen inside of it. Amber holds a strong amount of energy and you may feel a shock pulsate through your hands as you hold it or rub it.

Its one of the most precious crystals and holds strong healing abilities. Its history spands back many many centuries.

Healing Properties

Connected to the solar plexus and sacral chakra. It brings good luck and is known for is cleansing and purification energy. It draws disease and illness out of the body. Its a great calming stone, stress buster and confident booster. It is also a protector against radiation and works ideally with those who have cancer.

  • If your a healer and working with a cancer patient, gift them a piece of this wonderful crystal.
  • If your a medium and are trying to establish a link with a spirit who had cancer before they passed, use amber to help clear their energy and raise their vibrations. Allowing for stronger communication.
brown color.

When preserved insects can be seen inside of it. Amber holds a strong amount of energy and you may feel a shock pulsate through your hands as you hold it or rub it.

Its one of the most precious crystals and holds strong healing abilities. Its history spands back many many centuries.

Healing Properties

Connected to the solar plexus and sacral chakra. It brings good luck and is known for is cleansing and purification energy. It draws disease and illness out of the body. Its a great calming stone, stress buster and confident booster. It is also a protector against radiation and works ideally with those who have cancer.

  • If your a healer and working with a cancer patient, gift them a piece of this wonderful crystal.
  • If your a medium and are trying to establish a link with a spirit who had cancer before they passed, use amber to help clear their energy and raise their vibrations. Allowing for stronger communication.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Ascended Master For December 2010 - Padre Pio

Padre Pio was born on May the 25th 1887 with the birth name Francesco Forgione in Naples Italy Throughout his childhood he suffered with great health issues that carried on throughout his life. He was taught privately until his 15th year and through his ailing health recruited in world war 1. He was a deeply spiritual man of wisdom reverence and service to others.

He began to experience the stigmata (a condition that brings forth the markings that Jesus experienced through his last days of life from the crown of thorns and nail piercings.)

These wounds in the case of Padre Pio where open wounds on his hands, his side. The stigmata wounds he experienced lasted 50 years.

He is widely known for his healings, angelic visions and his curing of the blind.

He has been seen to levitate, bilocate and have accurate predictions of the future.

He passed away on the 23rd September 1968.

He has chosen to work with us this month to assist in a more disciplined way of service. Requesting we pay more attention to our spiritual needs and not so much to our physical needs. Regardless of faith Padre Pio is open to all who choose to live a joyous harmonious life and is helping you this month create that. Call on him if you are ill, know someone who is ill or just need support.

He Assists With

  • Helping those who are ill
  • Curing Eyesight problems
  • Strengthen your healing abilities
  • If your questioning your faith
  • Forgiveness
  • Clear Visions
  • Spiritual Growth

Archangel of December 2010 - Gabriel

Gabriel is the Archangel of Guidance, Visions, inspiration and in specific creative inspiration and purifacation. Gabriel assists you in discovering your true calling and assists you in aligning to your main Life Purpose.Gabriel also assists mothers to be, or those trying to concieve or with fertility issues.Gabriel is connected that area the governs your reproductive systems. Gabriel is also a strong support to those who wish to foster, adopt or work with disadvantaged children.

Gabriel speaks strong and clearly to those who are willing to listen. The messages are life transforming and profound. Many see Gabriel as a male Angel some see Gabriel as female. For the purpose of the rest of this information I will use the she. Gabriel is an active communicator between Heaven and Earth as mentioned and an ideal way to begin to work with your communication with Gabriel is through Dowsing or Automatic Writing. She works closely with those who are studding, taking exams and preparing for their life's missions.

You may want to invoke Gabriel when

  • If you need guidance - Try doing this whilst using my Free Angel Cards
  • If you wish to get a clear vision of your life purpose
  • If your experiencing a change in career and money
  • If you wish to start a family
  • If your taking exams
  • If you need creative inspiration
Ways To Ask Gabriel To Assist
  • Gabriel please show me my true life calling
  • Please assist me in preparing my body, mind and spirit for the arrival of a new child
  • Help me see a clear vision of what I need in my life right now
Calling on him while surrounding your self in white/orange will also strengthen your requst.