Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Our Archangel For April 2011 Is Uriel

Uriel's name means God is light. He brightens difficult situtions bringing humour and giggles to the hardest of times. He teaches us to take our selves more lightly and not get overly bogged down in everyday trials and tribulations. He is known for his prohectic messages through out bibical texts being the the angel who told Noah of the floods to come. He is known for his wisdom and gentle soft energy. Often going un-noticed to those he takes under his wing. He works also with weather elements such as thunder and lightening and is said assist in natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes etc. He also assists us in accessing our life lessons and helps us work through emotional challenges. He is the angel of peace, tranquility, hope and divine service. He is connected to the colours yellow and gold and works directly with the solar plexus chakra.

Call on him if your require any of the following.

  • Inner peace
  • Confidence
  • If your wanderer, move from job to job, home to home, relationship to relationship
  • If your easily angered
  • Suffer with anxiety or panic attacks.
  • Weather Issues
  • Problem Solving
  • Writing

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Ascended Master For March 2011 is Jesus

Jesus is easily one of the most well known Ascended Masters. Much of our awareness ofJesus Christ Jesus comes from the four Gospels and the letters of Paul, written in the New Testament. Written quite a number of years after his time here its clear the information was delivered by people who never actually met Jesus in person. He was never written about by historians of his time, so no direct account of his presence, teachings and powerful gifts can be relayed directly from those who knew him.

His very presence in a person's life brings peace, balance and divine truth. His calming energy from what I have personally experienced has seen me through many of lifes upheavels. Always bringing me back to a place of complete faith and acceptance. He has been seentimelessly by people in visions, dreams and his healing energy is the absloute best you can receive. Infact a lot of healers in Reiki and the likes work directly with Jesus as their guide

He is said to have previous incarnations as Adam, Elijah, Joshua, and Joseph of Egypt.

He works with Archangel Uriel and promotes peace and harmony.

He works on The Ruby and Gold Rays.

He works with all people, regardless of faith and religious backgrounds.

Areas He Can Help You With:

  • Clear Communication with God
  • Divine Guidance and direction
  • Faith Issues
  • Children and Parenting
  • Forgiveness, Acceptance and Tolerance
  • Healing and Healers
  • Miracles
  • The Sick
  • Manifestation
  • Nature


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Our Archangel For March 2011 is Metatron

This month we are looking at the inspiring Metatron.

Metatrons back ground is said to be that he was one of the only two Angels who have been ever human form. Many different ideas over the meaning of his name have been gathered over time one been that his name may mean "he who occupies the throne next to the divine throne" he has also been called the "Angel of Presence"

He belongs to the order of Serpahim

He is known to be even more powerful then Michael and Gabriel in some circles of angelology. He is said to hold the link between humans and the divine and assists in the area of ascension. This month he is teaching us to raise our frequency vibrations to assist us in communicating more with our divine self and our higher awareness. He helps us screen our thoughts, our personal image of ourselves and elevates our thinking to that of pure consciousness He helps and encourages to see all situations in our lives objectively. Keeping our minds free from clutter. He lights our imagination and illuminates our heavenly missions.

A strong Angel full of passion he helps bring a spark back into the lives of those he works with. A skilled writer he also brings out our creativity for writing. He also when asked gives us direct access to our Akashic records often referred to as The Book Of Life. This book stores our Souls records including our memories, purpose, life lessons and more.

He works lovingly with children and in particular those who are gifted with spiritual talents.He also works closely with those who ha ve ADHD and supports parents in finding more peaceful solutions to there children's temperament.

To work with Metatron simply just imaging the top of your head expanding and opening like a flower. Combine it our Crystal for March to enhance our connection to Metatron. Always ensure you ground yourself after words by bringing up red light from the ground below you through your feet. Fill your auric space with white light and seal it with a layer of blue light on completion.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Chakra Of the Month Of February Is The Throat Chakra

  • The Throat Chakra is Located At The Throat Area
  • Its Colour Is Blue
  • Its Associated With The Thyroid, Ears, Vocal Cords, Neck and Shoulder Area
  • Its Goals Are To Assist With Clear Communication, Creativity,, Self Expression, Speaking and Hearing The Truth, Spontaneity, Freedom
  • When Imbalanced you may have difficulty in speak your truth, sharing your feelings or honesty. Your creativity levels may also be blocked and you may also have an inability to listen to others.
  • Archangel Michael and Ascended Master St Brigid govern this Chakra.
  • Crystals to help balance it are Lapis Lazuli, Blue Calcite, Blue Lace Agate
  • Development Age Between 15 -21 Years
  • Sense Hearing
  • The Throat Chakra is also about the relationship we have with our egos. It teaches honest communication that is not controlled by what our ego feels its needs to be heard. Its learning to speak from our true spirit.
  • Chanting and toning your Throat Chakra can keep you in balance and allow clear communication.
Questions For Your Throat Chakra
If I speak what I feel and think will other people like me?
If I share my thoughts and views will others understand?
If I allow others to really know who I am, will I be accepted?
Affirmation for the Throat Chakra,
please do call on Archangel Michael whilst saying it.
I speak my truth with grace and ease
Today ask yourself also how do I resonate with the energy of my throat Chakra?
Does it feel balanced and clear?
Listen to your inner voice as its shares its truth with you
Then if its not clear, ask what does it need to be fully restored and in tune?
Listen and Act!

Crystal Of The Month Of February 2011

Lapis Lazuli promotes wellness winthin the Throat Chakra and Archangel Michael is the governing Angel for this Chakra making it an ideal crystal to work with for this month.

Its name is said to come from the latin word lapis meaning stone and the persian word lazur meaning blue. Its a distincitive crystal with its rich blue tones that is said to have been used by the ancient world of Egypt. it was used in temples, believing it to be a stone from heaven. Its a stone that is said to be given to humans by the angels, making it one of the ultimate crystals to have in your collection.

It holds strong healing properties working wonders for those with issues with their throat and helps reveal inner truth. It heightens our intuition and strengthens psychic powers, when held it acts as gate way between heaven and earth. It can also treat phyiscal disorders of the throat such as thyroid, neck, vocal cords, ears, chest and lungs. It boosts the immune system and speeds recovery.

On an emotional level its ideal to help with anger management issues, balancing mood swings and soothes the soul. It brings mental clarity and strengthens verbal communication. A stone also of protection it works well with Archangel Michael. When preparing protection invocations, do use it to amplify your intentions. It can also aid sleep and purify's the body.

Its a popular crystal in the use of jewelery and it can be found easily in stores and on line.